Start by doing light workouts on one day, followed by your major bulk-lifting days on the following two days of the week.
Do not use more than 10% of your body weight during your first few sessions. The goal is to build muscle mass and strength first. If you keep getting stronger and stronger over time, you will build the muscle you want.
Building muscle mass and strength 1. What are the basic exercises you should use for this beginner program? Stand up straight. 2. Hold dumbbells at chest height. 3. Contract your abs and keep your back flat against the floor. 4. Lift the dumbbells up with your hands. 5. Return to the start position. 6. Perform 10 repetitions. Do not do one-arm dumbbell curls.
The best way for most people to start gaining muscle is to use body-weight exercises. That's why in this program you will learn the basic body-weight exercises needed. Muscle growth is caused by the hormone insulin, which transports glucose from the bloodstream into cells. The muscle tissue needs insulin to survive. Without proper insulin, muscle tissue turns to fat. The best way for most people to start gaining muscle is to use body-weight exercises. If you are more into endurance, check out rope jumping.